We are a robotics team based at Pershing Middle School, and our mission is to educate others of the harmful damage done to the Eastern Mountain Gorilla through Coltan Mining. Coltan Mining, conducted in the Congo of Africa, is what makes your cell phone work, as tantalum capacitors in your phone, that store energy and release it, and also, causes gorilla death. These are the main capacitors used in phones, because they're among the smallest capacitors. Mining for the materials to create these capacitors destroys the habitats of the Eastern Mountain Gorilla, so their population is diminishing. Some miners, most of which are underpaid or children, will also kill, and eat the gorillas. On a more angering note, there is a surplus of Coltan in other places, such as Canada. The reason mining remains in the Congo is because it's cheaper. People can't tell where the Coltan came from after it's been smelted, to get Tantalum and Columbite, (hint, hint, take the first two letters from each element,) so they are unable to explicitly purchase Tantalum from specific places. We, with the help of experts and you, will find a way to make Coltan mining cheaper, so miners will move to other places, or find a way to make Coltan Mining less destructive.